The official kickoff to beach days—Memorial Day weekend—is almost here. Is your summer home ready?! 

After sitting vacant throughout the winter, your beach house might need a little TLC to prepare for the sunny summer days ahead, and we’re not just talking about refreshing the linens on your beds, stocking your fridge with beach snacks and drinks, and tending to the landscaping on your property.

Often, beach homeowners will wait until the holiday weekend to open up their summer homes, and they end up facing unwanted pest infestations that have started while the home was unoccupied. To make sure your summer kick-off weekend goes off without a hitch, we have a few recommendations.

Tips for Preventing Common Household Pests in Your Beach Home

  1. Before leaving your beach home unoccupied for an extended period of time, whether it’s for the winter or a couple of weeks in-between visits, be sure to clean the kitchen thoroughly, as it’s a common hot spot for pests. You need to make sure countertops are clean and free of crumbs and spills, and that all food that’s staying in the home is stored in secure containers.
  2. Take care of your floors! Sweep, mop, and vacuum throughout the home to pick up any crumbs.
  3. Take your garbage out before leaving, and make sure your indoor trash can is clean and free of residue.
  4. Do a thorough inspection of the home’s exterior, ensuring there are no cracks or gaps that could serve as pest entry points. Be sure to check the weather stripping around your doors, too!
  5. Look for any underlying signs of moisture. Many pests are drawn to the water from leaking pipes and sinks. If your Long Island beach home has a basement, attic, and/or crawl space, check to make sure any of those applicable areas are well-ventilated and dry without signs of mold or mildew.
  6. Keep in mind that at the beach, there are different pests than you may deal with in your everyday home! Learn about common beach bugs on Long Island and how to prevent bringing in pests like sand fleas, beach spiders, and pill bugs here

Treat Your Summer Home Now and Enjoy a Pest-Free Memorial Day Weekend!

To make sure your summer starts with a relaxing Memorial Day weekend instead of a pest infestation, we recommend starting your beach home on an annual pest protection plan. Not only will this help get your summer house holiday weekend-ready, but it’ll make sure pest infestations are controlled year-round.

To schedule your service now, call or text (631/516) 864-6900.

How to Protect Your Summer Home From Pests Now Serving Long Island and surrounding areas

Richmond | Kings County | Nassau County | Suffolk County

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