New York CBS2’s Elise Finch interviews our General Manager and Entomologist, William Somerville on how summer bugs are living longer as fall pests arrive to annoy local homeowners. Learn what our expert has to say about seasonal pests like hornets, crickets, fleas and caterpillars. And learn how you can eliminate food and water sources around your home to reduce insect and other pest populations.
Fall Critters Causing Headaches For Homeowners
“If you don’t like the idea of harsh chemicals,” Somerville said “most exterminating companies – including Suburban Exterminating- now offer green alternatives.” There are sprays made of essential oils like peppermint to repel mice. Somerville’s employees use HEPA vacuums to suction wasps, bees and their hives from inside your home and sticky glue traps catch a number of pests.
Watch the news story below.
Recent Termite Invasion
Termites were reported recently by Newsday as appearing as ” thousands of tiny scraps of paper falling from the sky”!
Lynn Frank, entomologist at Suburban Exterminating in Smithtown, said he’s heard similar flying ant reports. One shocked customer described a swarm so thick they were concerned about inhaling the insects, he said.
Large swarms of winged ants overwhelm, spook Long Islanders. Read more on Newsday>>
Call Suburban Exterminating today for a free inspection (631) 864-6900 | (516) 864-6900