The best yard tick protection combines traditional tick control with Thermacell Tick Control Tubes. The tubes go where sprays can’t reach to kill ticks before they pass diseases on to humans and pets. By treating the mice which immature ticks feed on, Tick Control Tubes disrupt the tick life cycle. Field tests show that after a year of applying Tick Control Tubes, mice are tick free. Developed at the Harvard School for Public Health, Thermacell provides an environmentally friendly tick fill that doesn’t harm kids, pets or the environment.
Long Island Doctors Report an Uptick in Ticks
Tick-borne diseases from Lone Star ticks are on the rise on Long Island.
Doctors at Stony Brook Medicine’s Advanced Specialty Care say they’ve had an increase in calls and visits about alpha-gal syndrome. The syndrome makes people develop a food allergy to red meat often after being bitten by a Lone Star tick. Other allergic reactions can also occur.
How Tick Control Tubes Work
Thermacell Tick Control Tubes work like this:
- Young ticks feed on mice
- Thermacell Tick Control Tubes are filled with cotton treated with permethrin insecticide
- Mice seek out this ideal nest material and use it to line their nests
- Ticks feed on the mice die from exposure to the treated cotton. Meanwhile, the mice are unharmed.
Call today to schedule your tick treatment (631) 864-6900 or (516) 864-6900 or (631) 287-6900