Getting rid of carpenter bees requires treating each hole. The holes should be sealed and repairs made. Adults spend their winter in these galleries/holes, emerging in the spring to mate. A trained pest control professional can help you get rid of these bees.
Why You Need to Get Rid of Carpenter Bees
Carpenter bees are a serious property threat because they can cause structural damage over time if left untreated. Carpenter bees bore round smooth holes which can extend up to 10 feet! If their tunnels are merely blocked, the bees can chew another exit hole. Additionally, the damage caused by carpenter bees can attract woodpeckers, cause staining and other problems.
While they may resemble bumblebees, carpenter bees are unique with their activity and behavior. They are easily identifies by their shiny black body and helicopter flight pattern. Carpenter bees are 1/2 to 1 inch long, black with some yellow (like bumblebees). The males can’t sting. The females will sting if molested.
Carpenter bees bore holes in wood to create a tunnel in which to raise their young. The female prepares a nest by excavating a new site or more frequently by cleaning out and expanding an existing tunnel. Entry holes are usually located in well-lit and sheltered areas, such as headers, roof eaves, porch ceilings, fascia boards, decks, doors, and window sills. Soft wood, such as California redwood, cedar, white pine, and poplar is preferred for nest building.
How can you keep carpenter bees from coming back? Painting bare wood may deter them.
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