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Who's At Risk of Getting Bed Bugs in Suffolk County & Nassau County?

The key to avoiding bed bug infestations is knowing about situations where your bed bug risk is elevated. If you know where bed bugs are frequently found, take some extra precautions. The people with the highest risk include:

  • Recent travelers
  • College students
  • People buying used furniture
  • Those who have been near an infestation
Exterminator exposing bed bugs on mattress

How Risky Are Bed Bugs in Hotels?

Hotels can be pretty risky when it comes to bed bugs. A common link between places with bed bug outbreaks is travel. While most hotels and motels do take extreme care to try to prevent infestations, unfortunately, it’s sometimes impossible to avoid. In a hotel, bed bugs always have a host nearby, and they can easily spread via a person’s luggage. If even one room becomes infested, it doesn’t take long for the pests to spread to other areas of the hotel.

One way you can avoid bed bugs in hotels is by researching the hotel before booking a room. Don’t be afraid to call and speak with someone and ask questions about protocols when bed bugs are discovered. They should be happy to answer you; if they’re not, it may be a red flag. Think of it this way: all hotels deal with bed bugs at one point or another, even the most luxurious. The most important thing isn’t that they had the problem, but how they resolved it.

How Risky Are Bed Bugs in Dorm Rooms?

School dormitories can be an elevated bed bug risk, and it can happen quickly. The shared aspect of a dorm room comes with the increased risk of spreading pests. If an infestation breaks out, it will spread like wildfire from dorm to dorm. That’s why college students need to know about the early signs of an infestation, and why parents should treat luggage cautiously when their child returns home for a holiday.

Should You Worry About Bed Bugs on Used Furniture and Clothing?

Don’t worry, but be aware of the possibility. If you see free furniture on the side of the road, or even if you buy from a thrift or consignment store, check it before bringing it inside. You would be shocked at how often bed bug problems start because someone unwittingly brought an infested item into their home.

For furniture, be sure to check under the cushions, in the seams, and corners. There are many places bed bugs can hide.

Can You Eliminate Bed Bug Risk by Keeping Your House Clean?

Picture a house with a bed bug infestation. OK, how about a hotel room with bed bugs? Chances are you’re picturing dirty linens and a general sense of messiness. That’s the stereotype: bed bugs are found in seedy places where cleaning isn’t a priority. But that’s not necessarily the truth: in reality, bed bugs and cleanliness have little correlation. Bed bugs can come from many places. And that makes any home or business in Suffolk County & Nassau County a potential risk.

Though bed bugs are commonly associated with messy homes or unhygienic spaces, these pests can be found anywhere. Anybody who spends time in public places — from hotels and airplanes to theaters and office buildings — is at risk of getting bed bugs, no matter how clean and well-kept their homes are.

Anyone Can Get Bed Bugs

Some pests, like rodents, are attracted to specific things such as food scraps or warmth. Bed bugs on the other hand are completely indiscriminate. They will invade any place that they can get a blood meal, which is why they can be a problem for anybody. Even if you don’t think you’re at risk of getting bed bugs, it’s best to stay aware of the common signs of an infestation so you can get professional help should these pests show up.

Who’s At Risk of Getting Bed Bugs in Suffolk County & Nassau County Serving Long Island and surrounding areas

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