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How to Prevent Bringing Bed Bugs into Your Home

Anytime you go on a vacation or shop around in a thrift store, you’re at risk of picking up bed bugs from a public place. It’s challenging to avoid these pests, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible! To keep bed bugs out of your home, follow these tips:

  • Be cautious when traveling
  • Carefully inspect used furniture or clothing
  • Check your suitcase when returning from a vacation
Partially packed luggage on bed

How to Prevent Bed Bugs While Traveling

After a vacation, bed bugs are the last thing you should have to worry about. Unfortunately, traveling is an extremely common way that people pick up bed bugs while out and about. Here are some ways you can protect yourself from bed bugs while traveling:

  • Use a hard-shelled suitcase
  • Keep your clothes in plastic bags
  • Use a suitcase rack whenever possible
  • Inspect your hotel rooms before settling in

Once you return home from a trip, be sure to immediately put your clothes in the laundry, even if they are still clean. Wash them on high heat and vacuum your suitcase before bringing it indoors.

How to Keep Bed Bugs Outside Your Property

Unlike pests like rodents or ants, bed bugs don’t live outside. They won’t wander into your home from the backyard, but they will hitch a ride on your clothes or baggage. To keep bed bugs out of your home, you need to take care when coming back indoors after spending time in a public area. If you have a child returning from university, take care with their luggage as well.

Best Bed Bug Prevention Tips in Suffolk County & Nassau County

Whether you’re staying in a hotel, riding on a bus, or shopping in a secondhand store, it’s possible to unknowingly pick up bed bugs just about anywhere. The best way to prevent bed bugs in Suffolk County & Nassau County is to stay aware of your belongings when you’re out of the house. And, keep an eye out for signs of an infestation so you can catch a potential problem early on. If you find bed bugs in your home, call a bed bug removal expert as soon as possible.

How to Prevent Bringing Bed Bugs into Your Home Serving Long Island and surrounding areas

Richmond | Kings County | Nassau County | Suffolk County