Groundhog popping out of a hole

Groundhogs have their moment of fame every year on February 2nd, Groundhog Day, which occurs when our winter is halfway over. Then spring starts around March 20th. But tradition says that if the groundhog sees its shadow on Groundhog Day, we’ll have another six weeks of winter. What do you predict?

At Suburban Exterminating, we predict pest groundhogs causing damage because of the abundant Suffolk County & Nassau County green spaces and suburban landscapes here. These types of environments provide ideal habitats for groundhogs to thrive and potentially wreak havoc on your property.

Homeowners often face frustration when they discover their carefully tended gardens and lawns have been ravaged by these burrowing creatures. The extensive damage can be both unsightly and sometimes costly to repair. DIY methods like repellents or fencing often prove ineffective against persistent groundhogs. 

But our professional groundhog control service offers a comprehensive approach, combining expert knowledge, humane removal techniques, and preventative measures for long-lasting protection.

10 Groundhog Facts

  1. Groundhogs live on Long Island and throughout much of the eastern United States, across Canada, and into Alaska. 
  2. They are also known as woodchucks. 
  3. These small rodents are in the squirrel family. 
  4. Unlike Punxsutawney Phil, groundhogs are relatively small on Long Island – weighing between five to ten pounds. Punxsutawney Phil weighs about 20 pounds.
  5. By slowing down their body functions, groundhogs hibernate each winter. 
  6. They start to hibernate sometime around the middle of September and become active again in late February. Mating season starts soon afterward.
  7. Groundhogs whistle to attract mates and when alarmed. 
  8. They are known to bask in the sun outside their tunnel entrances. 
  9. They only live three to four years. 
  10. They are diurnal – meaning that they are active during the day and sleep at night.

Groundhogs as Pests

Groundhogs dig long tunnels, sometimes over 60 feet long. These tunnels have several entrances and may be over several feet deep. The tunnel or burrow has several rooms, including a nest and toilet areas. The entrance is generally 10-12 inches wide.

While groundhogs eat mainly grasses and plants, they also might eat your vegetables, fruit, and tree bark.

Do Groundhogs Cause Damage?

Yes, groundhogs cause damage by digging extensive burrow systems that can undermine foundations, patios, and driveways. They also consume garden plants, fruits, and vegetables, leaving destruction in their wake. It’s understandable to feel helpless as your landscape and home structures suffer from groundhog activity. The sight of collapsed earth or chewed plants can be disheartening and may even affect property value.

Our rodent extermination team at Suburban Exterminating uses proven techniques to remove groundhogs and prevent future infestations – saving you time, money, and frustration in the long run.

How Do Exterminators Get Rid of Groundhogs?

Pest exterminators get rid of groundhogs by employing a combination of trapping, exclusion techniques, and habitat modification. These methods are designed to safely and effectively remove groundhogs from your property while preventing their return.

Suburban Exterminating’s team starts with a comprehensive inspection and assessment of your property. Our trained professionals can quickly identify the specific pest causing the damage, whether it’s groundhogs, moles, chipmunks, or other burrowing animals. We then tailor our removal and prevention strategies to address your unique situation.

Suburban Exterminating’s Groundhog Removal Service

What’s really digging up your yard? Along with groundhogs, moles, chipmunks, and other wildlife also dig tunnels. Don’t guess which one it is!

Let our professionals inspect your property to determine what’s infesting your Suffolk County & Nassau County property. We’ll give you the answers that you need and information to make a better decision on your exterminating needs. Reach out to us today to get started with a free inspection.

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Groundhog Facts & How Exterminators Can Help With Your Infestation Serving Long Island and surrounding areas

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