Silhouette of mosquito

Mosquitos are most active when sunlight is low, bringing them out first thing in the morning and the evening. In the daytime, mosquitos will gravitate toward areas of shade. When dawn or dusk approaches, they will use light to locate hosts to land on. Interestingly, mosquitos interact with light differently than humans do. Mosquitos can be deterred by artificial light and may become disoriented near homes. Instead, they are attracted to light from the natural elements of the moon and stars. 

Are Mosquitoes Attracted to Ultraviolet or LED Lights?

Knowing that mosquitoes are attracted to natural light and deterred by artificial light, it would also make sense that mosquitos are not attracted to ultraviolet or LED lights any more than normal artificial light. There are insect traps that claim to draw insects towards the light, and this may be the case for other insects, but not for mosquitoes. Since LEDs put off less warmth than other bulbs, they are less effective at attracting mosquitos. 

What Color Attracts Mosquitoes?

One tested and proven method of repelling mosquitoes is to wear clothing that is brightly colored. Dark clothes that are primarily gray, black, or red, make it easier for insects to locate where you are. When you wear darker clothing, heat is trapped on your body, leading to greater output of your natural scent for mosquitos to gravitate towards. Lighter colors are more likely to deter mosquitoes by reflecting sunlight away from your body and keeping you cool. 

How to Repel Mosquitoes With Light

It is possible to repel some types of mosquitoes with light, however, there are no groundbreaking results that indicate artificial lights deter or attract mosquitos. Using lights from stores may not solve your issue if you have mosquito problems around your home. If you want to make your home less attractive to mosquitos, contacting your local professional pest control company is always recommended! 

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