Cluster of bed bugs on a plant stem

It’s that time of year again—the time when stink bugs become a problem. Stink bugs are insects that are native to Asia, but which have been introduced into the United States over the past few decades. They’re considered an invasive species and have become a major nuisance in homes throughout Long Island, New York City, and beyond.

Stink bugs are most active during the fall, but unlike some other pest infestations which can be treated as they arise (though a year-round preventative plan is always preferred), it’s important to treat your home for stink bugs before they show up. So, if your house is normally invaded by stink bugs each fall, our treatment is ideal for your home!

All About the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

The first step in identifying a brown marmorated stink bug is learning how it looks—and luckily, there’s no shortage of pictures on the Internet! Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs are about 1/2 inch long with two black stripes running down their backs, giving them a mottled appearance. The undersides of their abdomens are light tan; this coloration can differ depending on where they’re from. In Japan and Korea where they originate from, stink bugs have greenish-yellow underbellies whereas American versions tend not as much green hue due to the climate differences between those regions.

What Attracts Stink Bugs?

Stink bugs are attracted to light and are often found on the outside of houses; this is why many people first notice an infestation when they see them swarming around windows during the day or night (depending on how much light there is).

Stink bugs are also often found in attics or crawl spaces where they’ve made their homes under insulation or behind vents.

How to Prevent Stink Bugs

The best way to prevent stink bugs in your home is with a preventative treatment, however, there are a few additional steps that may prevent stink bugs from entering your home.

  • Seal up any cracks and crevices in your walls using caulk, foam sealant, or foam insulation. The use of a power sander may be necessary for repairing larger cracks.
  • Remove any plants or trees that attract stink bugs from around the perimeter of your home, as well as from inside if possible (stink bugs are known to hide in potted plants).
  • Add screens to windows and doors to keep them out of your home. Make sure these screens fit tightly so that no gaps exist where they can get through! If you have older windows with screens that don’t shut properly, consider upgrading them with new ones that meet today’s standards on airtightness ratings.

Prevent Stink Bugs This Fall With Help from Suburban Exterminating

If you live on Long Island, stink bugs are coming! You can’t control when stink bugs show up in your home, but you can take steps to protect your house.

For a limited time, new customers and existing Edge Plan customers can save 50% on two stink bug treatments (for homes up to 1,500 sq. ft). Click the button below to schedule!

How to Prepare for Stink Bug Season Serving Long Island and surrounding areas

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