They’re scary, startling, and synonymous with Halloween; they’re also one of the most common fall pests Long Island homeowners encounter. So, whether you like ‘em or not (and we don’t blame you if you don’t!), here are 7 spooky facts about spiders.
Spider Fact #1: Spider Egg Sacs Can Contain Over 1,000 Babies
Female spiders have egg sacs that contain many eggs to ensure the species survive. When we say many, we mean MANY. While it’s common for species like black widows to have around 300 eggs in their sac, black and yellow Argiopes (otherwise known as garden spiders) may have well over 1,000 eggs in their sacs.
Spider Fact #2: Jumping Spiders Can Jump 50 Times Their Body Length
Jumping spiders literally JUMP in order to catch other insects. To jump, they contract their muscles to increase the blood flow to their extra powerful legs. Their legs extend, and the spider can jump as far as 50 times its own body length.
Spider Fact #3: The Oldest Known Spider Lived 43 Years
A spider named “Number 16” which lived in Western Australia lived an estimated 43 years, which is the longest-lived spider recorded. The spider’s unique name was given because her burrow was the 16th to be marked with a peg on the site where she and other spiderlings were studied, starting in the 1970s.
Believe it or not, it wasn’t old age that Number 16 died from; instead, she likely died from a parasitic wasp sting.
Spider Fact #4: The Peruvian Triangle Weaver Spider Turns Its Web Into a Slingshot 
The triangle weaver spider doesn’t have venom, but it does have….slingshot capabilities?! This spider species weaponizes its silk and uses it to power its body forward like a slingshot to trap its unlucky prey.
Spider Fact #5: It Can “Rain” Spiders…
It may sound like the plot of a horror movie, but there are stories and videos in several places around the world, including Australia, Texas, and Brazil where hundreds to thousands of spiders fall from the sky. The phenomenon, called “ballooning,” occurs because spiders move through the air, releasing gossamer threads to catch the wind, which then causes them to become airborne and at the disposal or air currents and electric fields.
Spider Fact #6: Some Spider Species Create Giant Colonies
Similar to ants and termites, there are social spiders that may live amongst hundreds of other spider species in several families, all living in colonies together. Because many spiders are solitary and aggressive toward other spiders (even of their own species), this is a less common behavior. Most social spiders live in the tropics, however there are some in the eastern United States.
Spider Fact #7: The World’s Biggest Spider Weighs as Much as a Baseball
The Goliath Birdeater is a massive tarantula weighing around 6 ounces. Found in South America, it’s the largest spider in the world by mass. Despite its name, the spider rarely preys on birds.
Protect Your Long Island Home from Spiders This Fall
Spiders can be one of the spookiest pests, but they don’t have to be. To protect your home from spiders year-round, call or text Suburban Exterminating at (631/516) 864-6900. One of our trained technicians will swing by for a free inspection and provide you with the best pest control options for your home’s specific needs.