Filth Flies

Filth Flies are nuisance pests. While not known to sting or bite, these insects can become annoying as they buzz around your home looking for food. Their presence can signal another problem, like leaky pipes or decaying compost.  Filth flies carry bacteria and disease through their hairs, legs and mouths.  Every surface they land on can be contaminated. There are many different types of flies, but these are the kinds most likely to be found in you home.
House Fly

The common house flyis a dull gray color and about a ¼-inch long. If you look closely, you’ll see  four dark stripes on the middle section (thorax) of its body. They eat by regurgitating digestive juices on food and drink it. Gross!

Drain Fly

You can barely see these bugs – about 1/8-inch long. Drain flies do not bite. They live in sewers and sink drains so can pose serious health risk to humans. Sewers and sink drains breed bacteria and disease.

Fruit Fly

Fruit Flies are also known as “vinegar flies” or “no-seeums”. They are just plain annoying! This type of fly is attracted to  bright lights, moisture and fungus.


Flies are teeny tiny so can fly into your home through very small holes.  You can prevent flies in/around your home by keeping garbage cans covered, eliminating standing water, and covering fruits and veggies.

For any pest control problems, contact Suburban Exterminating at (516) 864-6900 or (631) 864-6900 to get the job done guaranteed!

Common Types of Filth Flies Serving Long Island and surrounding areas

Richmond | Kings County | Nassau County | Suffolk County

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